Jun 20, 2017

Nuh's first haircut


First thing that appears in my mind - Nuh will cry and scream once the hairdresser touch his hair! 

But uhhh?! Such a very good boy i tell you. So calm. So senyap. Senyap sebab takot bunyi mesin potong rambut tu. Bahahaha. But who cares! As long he sits properly and silently. Senang kerja ibu, nak. Ibu bangga sama kamu. Haha. Tak percaya?

See??? Behave bukan?
Good job, son!

I am so so so relieved that Nuh simplifies the hairdresser's work. No crying. No head shaking. No screaminggggg. Actually, the moment we walk in, I told my hubby to turn on upin ipin or pororo or any cartoon to neglect him. But wallah! Turns out that he did not need any of that!
Watery eyes moment. Ngeeee!
Aku panic time ni, dah macam nak meraung. Bergenang air mata.
But Alhamdulillah..he made it again. Phew!

Zzzzzzz moment. Bahahahaha.
Manyakk syiokk kene usik kepala, sampai tertido. 

sebelum & selepas.
Spot any different? Hehe.

Jun 14, 2017

Iftar beramai-ramai

In previous post, aku ada mention nak celebrate birthday cik abe kan. Plan tak jadi plok. Maaf ye cik abe. Kita hanya merancang. heee. We celebrate later, okay?

Reason: LUPA NAK BELI KEK. Bahahaha.

So, last Sunday we had this event - Iftar secara besar-besaran for Haji Noh's clan at my parents' house. We did some doa selamat and solat Traweh berjemaah also. 

Alhamdulillah. It has run smoothly and lively. And we enjoyed eating, chatting, laughing as well. Dah macam raya! Yes, i will not miss those happy moments in my life. Selagi ada peluang untuk berjumpa dengan saudara mara, jumpalah. They are our families. They are among the first person we met in our life.  

Tu diaaa...(sebelum)
Konsepnya potluck. So, macam-macamlah lauk yang dapat dilihat.

seranggggggg!! (selepas)

seranggggggg!! ...lot of kuih muih.

Those yang datang dari KL and Kuantan, terus balik malam tu juga. Alhamdulillah, they have safely arrived to their destination. And thank you for coming to enliven this annual event. Much appreciated on behalf of the host ---> mom & dad.

Till next event, guys!

Jun 9, 2017

His 38th birthday

Oh my, someone's turning 38 tomorowwwwww ...
So old la you abang. Hahaha.
Happy Birthday, abang!

Well, its hard to eat even a piece of cake in Ramadhan.
So, we have to postpone the celebration yea? How about this Sunday?
Yeay i am going back to kampung today. Hopefully sempat to break our fast at kampung or else kita beli dunkin' donut on the way back. Ok abang?

Anyway, why wait till Sunday to celebrate?
Ahaaa kami ada iftar beramai-ramai on Sunday. Can't wait!

Doakan perjalanan pulang kami ke kampung baik-baik sahaja ya.

Jun 2, 2017

Weekend getaway - Janda Baik

It is soooo nice to spent some quality time with family - far far far away from the busy KL. Janda Baik (Pahang) is one of the wanted place i wanna go. Haha. Nama je orang Pahang tapi Janda Baik pun belum pernah jejak. Well well well, turns out that it is an interesting and appealing yet attractive place to spend time with your family (for those who love the super cool river of course). Yang berniat untuk membawa diri di sini pun sesuai. Ok kidding. 
So a week before Puasa, we had this Family Gathering of Haji Noh's. Yes, Noh is my late grandfather's name from my mother's side. And Nuh is named after him. May you are in peace, atuk. All my uncles, unties and cousins were gather here in Janda Baik. 

Fast forward, here are some pictures.

hai..menung apa tu?

uppps sorry. tak bermaksud nak expose. hehehe.
Dah insert pic, baru perasan. Malas dah nak crop. Anyway, this is my latest edition. Phone lama dah corrupt. Innalillah. 
This one mehh...berrryyy gooood. Gunalah vivo.

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